Have you noticed that whenever you eat spaghetti sauce, you get an upset stomach in the hours following? Wondering why this is the case and if there are any things you can do to stop it from happening? Well, you’ve come to the right place. This is all you need to know.
So, why does spaghetti sauce upset my stomach? It is likely that your upset stomach is caused by a reaction or intolerance to the ingredients. It could be the acidity from the tomatoes or the result of a food allergy to dairy, gluten, or difficult-to-digest ingredients (or additives). In rarer cases, it could be the result of food poisoning, Gastroenteritis, or a more serious medical issue.
Ultimately, you are going to need to do three things.
- Check the ingredient list, or recipe, of the offending sauce.
- Keep a close eye on your symtpoms; trying to identify where you are experiencing pain and how long for.
- Keep a food diary or log to confirm if it happens every time you eat a particular spaghetti sauce, brand, or if this is indeed a once off.
Only then will you be able to truly tell what it is.
Perhaps it could be the tomatoes. Maybe it is onions or garlic.
Or it may well be that you need to speak with a doctor if your pain persists.
In fact, speaking with a medical professional is the only way to truly know.
There could be something more serious going on, that it is best to rule out.
Now, I don’t want to alarm you; most of the time these things can be resolved with simple dietary changes or a little rest and recovery.
But it may require a little investigation and perhaps an examination or two.
You might need to see a gastroenterologist, have an endoscopy, or even do food sensitivity tests.
Nevertheless, it’s generally a good idea to stop eating any food that is causing trouble.
And keep it out of the diet for good!
At least until you know for sure that it’s not a problem.
In the meantime, be mindful of this quote by the Cleveland Clinic:
“Just about everybody at one point or another will experience abdominal pain. Most causes of abdominal pain are not serious and resolve spontaneously. Symptoms you should not ignore include fever, pain that gets worse or travels upward on the body and difficulty breathing.”
How Do You Calm The Acidity In Spaghetti Sauce?
The best way to reduce the acidity of a spaghetti sauce is to increase the alkalinity. To do so, add a small amount of baking soda to your sauce. This will raise the PH accordingly. Although, you may need to add other ingredients, like sugar or honey to reinstate the flavors.
Aside from that, if you are not dairy intolerant, your other main option is to add butter or cheese.
Bechamel or half-and-half milk is another approach to consider.
Of course, the option you choose will depend on your taste, the dish you are serving, and any dietary preferences.
One thing to consider here is that you don’t need to do both; only one of which should suffice.
Your upset stomach following spaghetti sauce could be the result of several different things.
That’s why its impossible to give you only one solution.
That being said, you certainly can start to eliminate the possibilities by keeping a record of what you eat and when it occurs.
Besides, are you even sure it is the spaghetti sauce?
Could it be the pasta you are consuming it with?
Could it be other foods you are in the meal or even earlier in the day or week for that matter?
Therefore, the only true way to get to the crux of the issue is to follow up with a medical professional.
Seek their advice, see what they say and be willing and able to make some dietary changes.
Besides, it could just be one particular brand that you need to stay away from.
It could be something to do with your preservation or cooking (if you are making the sauce from scratch).
Either way, keep an open mind about what it could be.
Be mindful, cognizant, and treat this as more pressing should the pain return or persist.

Hello, I’m Jeremy, a sauce enthusiast and taste trailblazer! My endless pursuit of new flavors has led me on a journey to master sauce making at home, along with try out a range of exciting brands and sauce offerings. Now I share my recipes, tips and recommendations on WeWantTheSauce to help fellow foodies find the perfect sauces.